It all starts with a chat. Contact us and we can discuss where your business is upto, where you want it to go and how we get there. We can work out a strategy to get your business setup with Linnworks or we can look at how we can improve your current Linnworks system.

Email or call us now & let’s get started!

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Want an overview of what we do? Here’s a few frequently asked questions and snippets of who we are and what we do.

We are a small team based in Leeds with decades worth of experience selling a cross multiple online channels.

Our Process is comprised of 3 stages. Review – to see where your online business is currently at. Improve – to see where your current operations can be improved. Grow – to develop new growth for your business

How long is a piece of string? We have put some guide prices on the site but every job is different and every business has different needs. We’re confident our prices are competitive and offer value when viewed against  the benefits we can offer.

Simply, multi channel is the art of selling your products across multiple selling channels. Typically this is eBay, Amazon & your own website but there are countless other channels you can sell on. We can handle them all

Linnworks is a multi channel software program that allows you to store all your products and orders in one place and list them to as many channels as you like. We thik it’s brilliant and believe most online businesses will benefit from using it.

Put simply we can do almost anything to grow your online presence across multiple channels. So whether you want to start selling online or if you want to expand what you’re currently ding, we can help to make your sales grow.

We are totally flexible. We can work remotely or we can work in your premises. Our prices packages are designed specifically around your needs and circumstances.

We believe in the benefit of learning to do things yourself. That’s why we can offer inhouse training to show your people what they need to do and how they need to do it

As a commercially minded consultancy we’re able to provide detailed breakdowns of projected costs, profitability and return on investment. We’re experienced in preparing financial statements for online companies.

We’re able to do far more than simply list products. We can provide help and advice on all aspects of selling online, from packaging through to carriers and everything in between.